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Game over, Darwin!

27 Jan 2025
Språk: Engelska. Få exemplar tillgängliga
”Charles Darwin was an astute observer of nature. He noticed that species were not immutable. Darwin had Gregor Mendel´s book on genetics in his bookshelf, but unfortunately never opened its pages. In 1859 he published On The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection where he speculated over 600 times about species’ origin.
Darwin´s theory was in crisis after Mendel´s work was recognized. Darwin was rescued by inserting mutations into his theory, in hope of supplying the raw material for natural selection. Neo-Darwinism was born.
Today we know why Darwin´s finches get a new beak, how blind cave fish get their eyes back, why we all look different even though our DNA is 99.99 % identical and why we cannot be selectively bred. The answer is not in a mutation of DNA, but is found in the epigenetic information. We know now that chimpanzees are not related to us because the amount of human epigenetic information is 9 fold when compared to chimpanzees.
Natural science is in reality Information Science and cells resemble RNA computers. Life´s manifold RNA molecules are transcribed from different DNA reading frames. In this way a solitary DNA code symbol can participate in thousands of different proteins and functions. Non protein coding RNAs do not tolerate mutations and this leaves Neo-Darwinism without a mechanism!
Darwin´s finches illustrate adaptive speciation that has been preprogrammed into the familys´s DNA and allows speedy changes to guarantee survival. As this happens, the DNA code slowly degenerates because its G-C code bases are irreversibly changed into A-T:s and speciation becomes a process of destruction rather than creation.
There is a paradigm shift brewing in Natural Sciences. The Royal Society is offering an Evolution 2.0 ten million dollar prize to the first person to self-organise chemicals into code. Darwin would not have written his book if he had known all this. His modern, dogmatic followers, however, do not budge.”

Författare: Pekka Reinikainen

Författare: Tomi Aalto

Pris: 300 SEK

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