The Image of God - Creation or Evolution
150 years after the publication of Darwin's Origin of species science has revealed the ultimate complexity of living organisms, their ingenious information processing and amazing regulatory functions. Darwinism does not explain the origin of species. Mutations cause destruction of genetic programmes and natural selection is a stabilising mechanism that is responsible for the variation we see in nature. The Cambrian explosion shows that the major body plans appeared practically simultaneously. As darwinists have neither theoretical explanations nor empirical evidence for macroevolutionary novelties, they use an argument of "poor design" to prove the absence of a creator, One of thelr favourite examples is the human eye where the light-sensitive cells are turned away from the incoming light. Darwinists ridicule this inverted arrangement, and claim that this "proves" that there is no designer.
This arrangement, however, is an example of su-perb design. The retina is equipped with living optical fibres that optimise this apparently unfavourable situation, Müller glial cells surround its neuronal cell bodies and perform a wide range of functions including structural stabilisation, regulation of ion homeostasis, neurotransmitter and photopigment recycling and neuronal survival. They can generate new neurons after injury and may restore sight. Their parallel array in the retina is reminiscent of fbreoptic plates used for low-distortion image transfer.
Gone are the days of "junk DNA" and "poor design" arguments. The more we study nature, the more obvious the design becomes. "Made in Heaven" is written all over our DNA. We can also see the effects of the Fall of man in the garden of Eden as "best before" scars of destruction in the original DNA. The Genesis record is a historical document from the modern scientific perspective. Fine.
Pekka Reinikainen, 2010. 1st Edition. Soft Cover. Text in English. 373 pp.
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Kommande händelser
- 29 Mar 2025, 00:00: Göran Schmidt i Kungsbacka konsthall, Kulturhuset Fyren
- 8 Apr 2025, 00:00: Göran Schmidt hos Vallhamrakyrkan RPG, Sävedalen
- 9 Apr 2025, 00:00: Göran Schmidt: Föredrag vid Gymnasieskola
- 11 Apr 2025, 19:00: Göran Schmidt på ungdomssamling i Salem, Mullhyttan
- 12 May 2025, 00:00: Göran Schmidt hos YWAM Transform, Stockholm

Föreningens ordförande Göran Schmidt föreläser om en biblisk syn på skapelsen på Skapelsekonferens 202 ...

Del 1. i serien "Adam och Eva-lutionen" av Anders Gärdeborn, som tidigare publicerats på DVD. ...

Del 3 i en videoserie i fem delar med Anders Gärdeborn, med namn "24 myter om evolutionen".A Se hela s ...
Frågor & Svar
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- Det sägs att människans och schimpansens DNA 99% likt - är inte det ett bevis för att de är släkt?